Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
19.05.2023 — 11.08.2024Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
19.05.2023 — 11.08.2024Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven

Dinner Party with Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
Thursday 21.12.2023, 18:30 — 22:00
€ 25 including food and drinksRSVP:
A small history, among other things: or why I connect images of women in color with knowledge representation, such as words and the streets we walk around — Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
We are thrilled to announce the release of Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven’s ’33', a two-volume publication compiling 754 pages of texts and visual materials. Co-published with Bruno Devos and Stockmans Art Books, the two volumes are structured around AMVK’s ’33 vrouwenreeksen’ ('Women’s Series') which the artist created between 1981 and 2015 by processing female nudes from erotic magazines prior to the sexual revolution. ’33' provides us with a key to the artist’s thinking process linking images to abstract concepts based on predetermined systems, through which knowledge is obtained and validated. In the two volumes, the exchange between texts and images, between theory and aesthetics, not only acquires a scientific framework, it also deconstructs the objective pretension underlying the notion of a scientific system by exposing the arbitrary, and therefore relative, decisions any scientific claim relies upon.
The new publication will be celebrated in a special book launch at West Den Haag. Taking place within a banquet-like setting offering food and drinks to both audience and speakers the event will be conducted as a conversation in both Dutch and English. The evening will be moderated by Ory Dessau, the curator of ALLES=GOED, AMVK’s exhibition at West which runs through May next year.
You are more than welcome to join us and get acquainted with artist Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven and her respected friends. The entry admission is 25 euro, including food (vegetarian, vegan, and meat dishes) and various drinks. Please subscribe via the link above.
Special guests include:
Bruno Devos, publisher, will elaborate on his collaboration with the artist
Danny Devos, artist, and long-time partner of Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
Saartje Geerts, AMVK’s assistant and collaborator
Menno Grootveld, artist & researcher who collaborated in the beginnings of ’33’.
Johan Pas, dean of the Art Academy in Antwerp and a passionate collector of artist books, and in particular, AMVK’s
Chris Van Camp, writer and friend
Patrick Van Rossem, department of Art History at Utrecht University, will be present to situate the artist’s practice in an art-historical context.
Ronald Van De Sompel, Brussels-based curator and essayist
Sander Vloeberghs, professor at the University of Leuven, will entangle the artist’s corpus with the corpuses of the 13th-century poet and mystic Hadewijch and the expressionist choreographer Mary Wigman (1886-1973).