International symposium
Paul Robeson
With Jared Ball, Lisenne Delgado, Mohammed Elnaiem, Gerald Horne, Tania Christina Monteiro, Anne Wetsi Mpoma, Shana L. Redmond, Machiri, Mireille Tsheusi Robert, Louna Sbou & Sylvana Simons
21.10.2022 & 22.10.2022Paul Robeson
With Jared Ball, Lisenne Delgado, Mohammed Elnaiem, Gerald Horne, Tania Christina Monteiro, Anne Wetsi Mpoma, Shana L. Redmond, Machiri, Mireille Tsheusi Robert, Louna Sbou & Sylvana Simons
International symposium
Paul Robeson
With Jared Ball, Lisenne Delgado, Mohammed Elnaiem, Gerald Horne, Tania Christina Monteiro, Anne Wetsi Mpoma, Shana L. Redmond, Machiri, Mireille Tsheusi Robert, Louna Sbou & Sylvana Simons
21.10.2022 & 22.10.2022Paul Robeson
With Jared Ball, Lisenne Delgado, Mohammed Elnaiem, Gerald Horne, Tania Christina Monteiro, Anne Wetsi Mpoma, Shana L. Redmond, Machiri, Mireille Tsheusi Robert, Louna Sbou & Sylvana Simons

‘Paul Robeson, world famous baritone, leading Moore Shipyard [Oakland, CA] workers in singing the Star Spangled Banner, here at their lunch hour recently, after he told them: ‘This is a serious job — winning this war against fascists. We have to be together.’ Robeson himself was a shipyard worker in World War I.’ — September 1942, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
International symposium
Paul Robeson — The Artist as Revolutionary
With Jared Ball, Lisenne Delgado, Mohammed Elnaiem, Baruch Gottlieb, Gerald Horne, Robert Machiri, Tania Christina Monteiro, Anne Wetsi Mpoma, Shana L. Redmond, Mireille Tsheusi Robert, Louna Sbou & Sylvana Simons.
Friday 21.10.2022 & Saturday 22.10.2022
West Den Haag in the Former American Embassy The Hague Lange Voorhout 102 2284 EH Den Haag
€ 25,00 / 10,00 (regular/student) – 2 days
€ 15,00 / 5,00 (regular/student) – 1 day
Paul Robeson was, at the peak of his fame in the 1930s and 1940s, one of the most recognisable celebrities in the world. As a star on stage and screen, he was also a committed political activist for the full and equal rights of Black people, Pan-African solidarity, and the struggle against fascism and imperialism. The public program associated with our year-long exhibition project ‘Paul Robeson: Artist as Revolutionary’ evokes how art and political commitments are intertwined in this unique career. This international symposium explores various facets of this fascinating figure in the context of today's challenges and struggles. Together we examine how the arts can function to mobilise political agency and build solidarity in the context of the causes to which Robeson dedicated his life. The discussants come from a wide variety of backgrounds, from academia to the arts, from activism to electoral politics, and all exemplify Robeson's multidimensionality where all talents are sharpened in the struggle for a better world.
Paul Robeson — The Artist as Revolutionary
With Jared Ball, Lisenne Delgado, Mohammed Elnaiem, Baruch Gottlieb, Gerald Horne, Robert Machiri, Tania Christina Monteiro, Anne Wetsi Mpoma, Shana L. Redmond, Mireille Tsheusi Robert, Louna Sbou & Sylvana Simons.
€ 15,00 / 5,00 (regular/student) – 1 day
Paul Robeson was, at the peak of his fame in the 1930s and 1940s, one of the most recognisable celebrities in the world. As a star on stage and screen, he was also a committed political activist for the full and equal rights of Black people, Pan-African solidarity, and the struggle against fascism and imperialism. The public program associated with our year-long exhibition project ‘Paul Robeson: Artist as Revolutionary’ evokes how art and political commitments are intertwined in this unique career. This international symposium explores various facets of this fascinating figure in the context of today's challenges and struggles. Together we examine how the arts can function to mobilise political agency and build solidarity in the context of the causes to which Robeson dedicated his life. The discussants come from a wide variety of backgrounds, from academia to the arts, from activism to electoral politics, and all exemplify Robeson's multidimensionality where all talents are sharpened in the struggle for a better world.