Donna Haraway and the Arts
Thick Present
31.01.2021 — ongoingThick Present
Donna Haraway and the Arts
Thick Present
31.01.2021 — ongoingThick Present

Donna Haraway Circles
A series of readings and artistic encounters
Fee: 6,- euro / 0,- euro
Every last sunday of the month: 14:00-17:00
Location: West Den Haag, Lange Voorhout 102, Den Haag
Sunday 31.01.2021
Haraway Circle #1: Thick Present
Sunday 28.02.2021
Haraway Circle #2: Cyborg Love
Sunday 28.03.2021
Haraway Circle #3: Having Fun
Sunday 25.04.2021
Haraway Circle #4: Making Kin
Sunday 30.05.2021
Haraway Circle #5: Chthulucene
Sunday 27.06.2021
Haraway Circle #6: Natureculture
Sunday 25.07.2021
Haraway Circle #7: Staying with the Trouble
Sunday 29.08.2021
Haraway Circle #8: War and Peace
Sunday 26.09.2021
Haraway Circle #9: Primate Visions
Sunday 31.10.2021
Haraway Circle #10: Ero-tech Relations
Sunday 28.11.2021
Haraway Circle #11: Symbiogenesis
Sunday 27.01.2022
Haraway Circle #12: Here and Now and Everywhere
No other contemporary thinker has more forcefully and implacably pursued an understanding of humanity, its history, present and prospects with as much radical appreciation for its complexity, interdependence and incompleteness. From the canonic Cyborg Manifesto proposing a revolutionarily feminist understanding of pervasive technology, Haraway’s social(ist) commitments have broadened to embrace the beings entire biome. Her thinking carefully and compellingly weaves scientific insights with interpretations of ancient philosophy, cutting analyses of contemporary techno-industry with rich accounts of the lives of the critters of the earth, transversal accounts where nothing is fully autonomous, least of all anthropos, and all transfused by the legacy of technology.
In this series, following the structure initiated for the Spinoza Circles series, we will read Donna Haraway together, opening up her dense, multi-dimensional and often prsimatic language to explore their relevance for the conditions we experience today. These readings will be accompanied by readings of other thinkers from today and from the past who have engaged in the complexity and enmeshedness of the technological condition of their times with Harawayan feeling for exigency in difficulty.
Each session will begin with an introductory exploration of the days theme elaborating key concepts through various authors. This is followed by the circle taking turns reading from Haraway out loud, breaking to elaborate uncertainties, ideas and emergent curiosities. The session concludes with a synthetic discussion and an Haraway-inspired introduction to one of the projects which is currently on display in the exhibition spaces at West.
The sessions are convened by Baruch Gottlieb and will be held on the last Sunday of each month. The Haraway reading circle is open to anyone who would like to read Haraway regardless of previous experience. Main language of discussion will be English. Texts will be provided online to participants a week before the events.
A series of readings and artistic encounters
Fee: 6,- euro / 0,- euro
Every last sunday of the month: 14:00-17:00
Location: West Den Haag, Lange Voorhout 102, Den Haag
Make your reservation here
Sunday 31.01.2021
Sunday 28.02.2021
Sunday 28.03.2021
Sunday 25.04.2021
Sunday 30.05.2021
Sunday 27.06.2021
Sunday 25.07.2021
Sunday 29.08.2021
Sunday 26.09.2021
Sunday 31.10.2021
Sunday 28.11.2021
Sunday 27.01.2022
No other contemporary thinker has more forcefully and implacably pursued an understanding of humanity, its history, present and prospects with as much radical appreciation for its complexity, interdependence and incompleteness. From the canonic Cyborg Manifesto proposing a revolutionarily feminist understanding of pervasive technology, Haraway’s social(ist) commitments have broadened to embrace the beings entire biome. Her thinking carefully and compellingly weaves scientific insights with interpretations of ancient philosophy, cutting analyses of contemporary techno-industry with rich accounts of the lives of the critters of the earth, transversal accounts where nothing is fully autonomous, least of all anthropos, and all transfused by the legacy of technology.
In this series, following the structure initiated for the Spinoza Circles series, we will read Donna Haraway together, opening up her dense, multi-dimensional and often prsimatic language to explore their relevance for the conditions we experience today. These readings will be accompanied by readings of other thinkers from today and from the past who have engaged in the complexity and enmeshedness of the technological condition of their times with Harawayan feeling for exigency in difficulty.
Each session will begin with an introductory exploration of the days theme elaborating key concepts through various authors. This is followed by the circle taking turns reading from Haraway out loud, breaking to elaborate uncertainties, ideas and emergent curiosities. The session concludes with a synthetic discussion and an Haraway-inspired introduction to one of the projects which is currently on display in the exhibition spaces at West.
The sessions are convened by Baruch Gottlieb and will be held on the last Sunday of each month. The Haraway reading circle is open to anyone who would like to read Haraway regardless of previous experience. Main language of discussion will be English. Texts will be provided online to participants a week before the events.