Sound Spill
07.01.2012 — 11.02.2012Sound Spill
07.01.2012 — 11.02.2012
Film screening + performance EVOL
Saturday 21 January, 19:00
West, Groenewegje 136, 2515 LR
Free entry, space is limited. Please submit your reservation.
Saturday 21 January, 19:00
West, Groenewegje 136, 2515 LR
Free entry, space is limited. Please submit your reservation.
Michael Snow: WVLNT, Wavelength for those who don’t have the time, 1967/2003
Steina and Woody Vasulka: Noisefields, 1974
Ed Atkins: A Thousand Centuries of Death, 2009
Samuel Beckett: Quadrant I & II, 1981
Michael Snow: WVLNT, Wavelength for those who don’t have the time, 1967/2003
Steina and Woody Vasulka: Noisefields, 1974
Ed Atkins: A Thousand Centuries of Death, 2009
Samuel Beckett: Quadrant I & II, 1981
EVOL - Continuum, expanded, Performance for solo computer and strobe light.
EVOL - Continuum, expanded, Performance for solo computer and strobe light.

Since the late nineties, Roc Jiménez de Cisneros and his collaborators have been producing what they call "computer music for hooligans", inspired by geometry, metaphysics, noise, cosmology and rave culture. A vortex of generative basslines, air horns and fuzzy arpeggios, their music displays a radical and playful approach to algorithmic composition, with works available on Entr'acte, Mego, Presto!?, Diskono, Scarcelight, and their very own ALKU.
In 2003 the group started an ongoing series of electroacoustic pieces entitled Punani, built around the implementation of generative techniques, cosmology and psychedelia in what Kristian Vester defines as Radical Computer Music.
Occasional EVOL members since 1996 have included Stephen Sharp, Rubén Patiño, Miguel Ferrer, Jakob Draminsky Højmark, Joe Gilmore, Anna María Ramos, and Andy Davies. The name of the project comes from Sambucus Ebulus (in Catalan, évol), a herbaceous species of elder with a characteristic foetid smell. It is also a fully Lagrangian self-adaptive parallel Fortran95 code by the Padova N-body code for cosmological simulations of galaxy formation and evolution, specifically designed for simulations of cosmological structure formation on cluster, galactic and sub-galactic scales.